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Monday, February 11, 2013

Web Hosting vs Web Servers

Paying for hosting vs buying your own server. 

Today we are going to talk about the benefits of owning your own server and why it might be a better solution for most online entrepeneurs. Keep in mind this is mostly regarding website hosting and you will need to invest a lot more for video hosting since you need so much more bandwidth allocation.
This Habs streaming blog doesn't actually host any video's so we don't need big web servers or expensive dedicated hosting.

Any webmaster, programmer or web developer knows that eventually he will have to make the switch from shared hosting to dedicated hosting because the amount of visitors and page views is too high and you reach your maximum bandwidth that's been allocated by your web hosting company. This has been the most common solution and the other solution is to pay for a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that will host your content on cloud servers which uses up less of your hosting provider's resources. The problem with the second solution is that it is only a temporary fix, and while the site might load faster for your users you will eventually get the same max bandwidth problem you see on many sports streaming websites.

I have calculated that the cheapest solution is the one people rarely consider; Buy your own server and host the web content yourself. If you compare the cost of dedicated hosting vs the cost of your owning your own server you will come to realize that it is around the same. If you plan on hosting for the next few years the dedicated hosting just adds up and you will never see that money come back to you as you're paying for a service. When you buy your own server you are buying a physical server somewhere and if ever you decide you no longer have the need to host anything you can always sell it and recuperate a portion of your money. Most people that use dedicated hosting even have multiple accounts with multiple hosts which eventually adds up to pretty expensive costs for what remains a service. There are often many other hosting solutions that might fix this but I need to remind webmasters that there is also that other possibiliy of purchasing your own server. You don't even need to deploy it yourself as many companies that you can purchase servers from offer 24/7 support and will even take care of providing you with multiple setup and even operations packages for pretty cheap prices vs the alternative hosting solution.

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